The Impacts Of Individual Characteristics And Working Environment On The Intention To Stay In Audit Profession In Vietnam


Phi Lan Anh
K57 – Faculty of Accounting and Auditing
Foreign Trade University, Ha Noi, Viet Nam

Tran Thi Kim Anh
Faculty of Accounting and Auditing
Foreign Trade University, Ha Noi, Viet Nam


In auditing field, human resource always plays an important role and is considered as the heart of the business. However, it is noted that the turnover rate within this profession is really high. The leaving of the auditors not only causes the financial loss for the firm due to the increasing costs of recruiting and training new staff but also causes the morale problem among the remaining workforce. Therefore, it is essential to understand the determinants of the intention to stay in audit profession of practitioners. This study aims to investigate the influence of auditors’ characteristics including work-life conflict and career orientation as well as working environment namely compensation and benefit, career promotion and organizational justice on the intention to stay in audit profession with organizational commitment as a mediator. A survey was conducted to collect data from current auditors with experience of at least 1 year in Hanoi, Vietnam for the generation of research findings. 152 usable respondents were processed through Smart PLS 3.3.9. It is suggested that while the intention to stay of auditors is impacted by work-life conflict and compensation and benefit, organizational commitment is affected by work-life conflict, career orientation and organizational justice. Regarding the mediating effect, organizational commitment mediates the relationship between work-life conflict, career orientation, organizational justice, and the intention to stay in audit profession.

Keywords: audit profession, intention to stay

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